Sunday, November 18, 2012

Chemo Eve

Here we are at chemo eve again, you know, the night before chemo.  The best day of the cycle.  The dreading of going back to sickness.  The reminder of this horrible roller-coaster ride.  Ugh. 

Mark is doing OK this week.  His hair is growing in, so he has very soft, grey and light brown hair.  Ava loves to rub his head, she does it all the time.  Mark doesn't want her to rub it off, he's pretty proud of his little baby-chick head. 

The last round of chemo we ran into some unexpected bumps in the road.  Hopefully we have fixed the issues enough to have a smooth round this time.  We will go ahead and do the outpatient method again, where he is hooked to the chemo infusion into his port with a slow drip that will take 2 weeks to complete.  His first appointment is at 1:30pm tomorrow, of course at the Huntsman.

Life has been challenging lately, not harder than usual, just different stuff.  We're coping the best we can but there have been more tears at times, and depression is more obvious in several family members.  Thanksgiving week is creating new anxiety and stress in several ways.  There doesn't seem to be a comfortable solution to all of the factors.  We'll do our best, as usual.  I guarantee there will be disappointment for a few of us, but life isn't easy, in any of our choices anymore.  I try and hold tight to the good and comforting parts of life.  There are plenty.


  1. I don't think life will ever be easy again for anyone, but you're right~clinging to the good and comforting is what carries us through. We pray for the comfort of all of you daily. Love you.

  2. We love you! We would like to make this week easier for you. What can we do?

  3. I starting reading your blog for the first time today, going back to the beginning and learning about Mark's illness. I read your poem, scriptures you quoted and special moments you shared. It reminds me of my favorite movie, It's a Wonderful Life. George Bailey had a Wonderful life because he thought of other before himself. He always did the right thing, sacrificing his wants and needs so that his family and friends could have something better than what they had. When George was about to give up the fight due to a financial mess, an Angel showed him what he was really giving up. After his visit with Clarence the Angel, George ran home to his family and was welcomed by the community he had served his entire life. This time they were there for him and they were glad to be there! He gave so much that it was easy for the community to give back. Mark and LaDena you are both truly blessed and truly have been given A WONDERFUL LIFE together!
