Sunday, February 3, 2013

Heaven on Earth

Logan Temple
Elder Kirk Bass, Mark and Elder Clint McCormick. Below Sherri and I join our husbands in the shot. The Bass family live in Tennessee, and the McCormick's live in Willard, UT.
This was an incredible weekend. It was healing for me in so many ways. We enjoyed dinner with the fremilies on Friday night and laughed while watching Hotel Transylvania (so funny). On Saturday morning we attended the temple with some great friends. We ran into our aunt and uncle and enjoyed saying hello and giving hugs. In the celestial room I was cuddling with Mark and it really felt like heaven on earth in that moment. I felt nothing but peace, I had no fears, no worries, only total and complete faith in this path we are on. I know, without a doubt, that we are loved and blessed no matter what happens to us. We enjoyed lunch at Elements restaurant and shared wonderful stories and deep thoughts. I appreciate the insight these friends gave us as well as the amazing love and support. Sunday morning there was an energy in our home similar to a christmas morning. Mark was beaming and all the kids were sweetly getting ready for church. Today was an incredibly special day for our family. Today Mark was able to meet with the two missionaries that baptized him back in 1990 in Santa Rosa, California. We attended fast and testimony meeting together and when Mark stood up to walk to the stand with Elder Bass, and Elder McCormick at his sides I got goosebumps. They each shared testimony of the story of Mark's conversion, the truthfulness of the Gospel and our Savior's love for us all. I bawled the entire time, but I wasn't the only one! There was such a sweet spirit in the room, that again, it felt like a moment of heaven on earth. This was a powerful moment in Mark's life, to publicly thank these two for bringing him the gospel, he openly wept and stated it is the most precious gift in his life. There is much more, but I feel that it is so sacred that I will keep it at that. Our families joined together at our home for lunch and much more sharing. I can't thank these men enough for how they have affected my life. I love them and thier families and will always appreciate them. God is so good! His love is so complete and His plan for us is merciful! Of course there is much ugliness and unfairness in this world, but there is tender mercy, love, hope, and peace. No matter what I face in the months to come I will always praise His holy name.


  1. What a beautiful and amazing story and testimony. Thank you for sharing it. I love you!

  2. This brings tears to my eyes and I feel the Spirit testifying along with your words. Thank you for sharing!
