Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Chaos as Usual

     This picture was at the end of a super long day (Monday) and our nurse Syd keeps us smiling :)  Her hat really did blink off and on and was pure silliness, which was welcome on our serious day of testing, results, processing, worrying, and planning.      Mark is super weak, in more pain in his rib and legs, and has trouble waking up in the mornings.  None the less he is working.  We went to our ward Christmas dinner tonight and he was talking and laughing the entire time.  He's pretty wiped out now.
    The kids don't slow down, Andrew has 5 am basketball practice, I'm leaving right now (10:30 pm) to pick him up from his out of town game today.  Grades are rough. I drive the girls to and from  Thomas Edison every day. Aubrielle dances for 6 hours each week.  Ammoriah started taking guitar lessons, and is finishing up a Broadway music performance workshop.  Ava has Math club after school, and dance class.  Amari has dance too.  I have had a personal assistant off and on for the past two years that helps me about 20 hours a week, but I've just learned she has a wonderful opportunity to work at a job in her field.  I will be the full-time taxi driver, tutor, cook, cleaner, referee, bathtime/hair done/laundry caught up, overall in charge of every little thing in addition to my work as a life coach, teacher, assistant in our business, and in Mark's health care.  Ugh.  White flag time?  maybe

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