Tuesday, January 8, 2013

And the pendulum swings...

When I first heard this quote I thought, "Wow, how negative!" How could someone go through life not having great expectations that tomorrow will be better, that sacrifice is worth it, it'll all turn out in the end. Lately I've felt some of the reality of this quote. It is quite possible that I need to stop making expectations to alleviate any resentments. Well, I'm usually quite optimistic, but today, the pendulum will swing to the negative. I'm going to explore my dark side, I'd pop your balloon, pee in your cheerios, and burst that happy bubble. There it goes, POP! Truth is, all fairy tales don't end with a cruise to the caribbean, a cure, a lover's passionate kiss, a remarkable twist of fate, a happily-ever-after. Mine will be an "ever-after". Now, I'm just having a moment here, so don't go telling me all the wonderful quotes about happiness that I already believe. There is truth on BOTH sides. Today it sucks. I'll probably have a lot of days that suck, and that's OK. Shoot, I could blast Alanis Morisette right now, but I'll be OK again. I've been told I don't have a 'dark side', or at the very least, my dark side has a light bright. But I know heartache, and it isn't always beautiful. Some of it is the ugliest stuff I've ever faced.


  1. Wow. How is it that you so often speak to exactly what I am feeling? Love your family so much!

  2. Feel anything you need to hon! Love you dearly.

  3. LaDena, Often I run across people who litterally attempt to blow proverbial rainbows up my ass. Truth is, although I appreciate their attempts, there are indeed days that flat out suck, and when I am having one (of those days that suck) and I get pummeled from every direction, at best, I just get irritated, at worst, I start that search for a couple handy hand grenades that I can get the next well wisher to hold while I pull the pin and run. I too am VERY optimistic by nature (as you probably know). And I know that it is common human nature to expect some form of "happiness" around the next corner, but sometimes, it just doesnt come soon enough, so we delude ourselves into the shelter of "oh, it's not as bad as it could be", but for that moment, "Sucky" is an understatement. So we continously go on (what choice do we have, right?). Anyway, for now, "Hey, tomorrow will be better, OK!" [chuckle]. You have some amazing qualities and your energy baffles me, so whatever kind of day you are having, I sincerely hope that the cloud of dispair, the grey of down-ness, and the winds of pukiness will take a break very quickly and some warm solar energy will infuse your soul, nourish your spirit, and force a smile on your countanence because you DO have some blessings, I know.
