Most of the beauties and joys of this earth go unnoticed. To access deeper levels all we need to do is believe in them and the power can flow. Self-mastery is stretching our imagination to what is possible.
Prayer might be instinctual, a cry for help for a higher energy. The words that are spoken are only a portion of the process. Open your mind, body and emotion as deeply as you can. Prayer is so powerful, we don't even know how amazing it is. This is a process for changing your entire soul. It is more about you than it is to the higher power you pray to. To begin, awaken yourself to how you should feel about God (or whatever you call your higher energy). Prayer should be a mediatation, not a redundant rambling of familiar phrases.
Here is an acronym for prayer that may help you deepen the process for yourself; "G.R.A.C.E"
G- Glorify, this is profound gratitude for creation and sustaining us. Everything belongs to the God-force. We are given so many gifts. Kindness and love serve us all day, every day. Feel this in your prayer. Be in awe of the spirit.
R-Repent, acknowledge our weaknesses. The purpose in this is to motivate us for change. Feel what you're thinking. The reason for weaknesses are to train us. It helps us appreciate the divine all the more, we are not equal to God.
A-Ask, but we shouldn't ask for everything we want. We should ask for things altruistically, in a true desire to use those blessings and gifts to grow and serve others. We have a right to ask for the things that we need to complete our mission.
C-Consecrate, give your entire self to the process. Everything you do can benefit the whole world! Your entire self should belong to the higher power. Be more effective in life. Even sleep can be a chance to heal you up so you can grow and serve the next day. Fun activities are a way to heal up, rejuvinate, celebrate and deepen relationships.
E-Endure, see how long you can keep the energy going. It doesn't end after 'amen'.
The art of living is a technique toward deeper meaning. Every second of every day is an infinite amount of potential. See the magic of living your life. Don't be numb! Feel the flow of energy, beauty and intelligence everywhere.
We should practice meditation regularly. Close your eyes and create the ideal state of self. This may be one of the greatest lessons, and most useful as we manage life. There are several types of meditation, different ways to comfort oneself. We cannot love anyone anymore than your ability to be comfortable. Dr. Kailing gives meditation as homework to each and every client.
Since time seems to be limited for most people's schedules, Dr. Kailing has simplified a meditation exercise to 5 minutes. He has combined eastern and western philosophies. If you were to do this once or twice a day, in a year you will be able to reach new depths of self-comfort, healing, and love. There is no limit to what you can achieve.
How: The first 2 1/2 minutes are from the eastern philosophy emptying self; the mind and body of tension and stress. You will be able to hear the spiritual messages from a higher power. Deep breaths and imagining you are asleep. Involve your senses, feel your muscles releasing tension. Eastern philosophy helps us accept suffering. Be willing to die and we suffer a lot less. Our fears come from clinging to the things we need. We don't really need anything from this world. Visualize the toxic energy draining out of you, away from you, deep into the earth where it has no power over you.
The last 2 1/2 minutes are from the western philosophy filling self; bringing in spiritual, healing, positive energy to raise your energy level. Continue to take deep cleansing breaths. You are everything in the universe. With practice you can take in more of your senses and get your emotions involved. We only take in about a tenth of the sensory comfort that we're capable of taking in; the breeze in the air, the cloud formations, the birds singing etc. See a flower for the first time, admire it's beauty and scent, let it into you deeper. People are limitied by our imagination. We have to stretch our imagination as far as we can. Imagine what is possible!
Yoga is a form of self-parenting. You, your logic are the parent. Your body is the child. By stretching you develop are relationship with your body of moderately comforting and moderately straining yourself. We need to balance ourselves, command your body's respect of you. Do this in ways that are loving and nuturing as well as ways to discipline.
Energy follows your mind. Pull energy into yourself and channel it out into a strike. Own your space. You should be a protector, willing to die. In T'ai chi you flow with energy. Express yourself, using the energy that flows through you. Enjoy it.
Energy follows our mind. Practice this. You can manifest love, peace, and comfort. First notice the energy, then magnify it, then channel through you to someone else. Become a hollow reed, transferring good to others.