Wednesday, April 3, 2013


   Like my siblings and my cousins, I have fond memories of my mom and my grandma making tortillas, in large quantities, for us to enjoy.  Over at GG's (great grandma Huerta's) us kids would sneak into the kitchen and snatch the tortilla on the top on the pile that was covered by a kitchen towel to keep it warm.  If we helped make tortillas, it was always fun to see what shape you ended up with, like Aunt Sandie said, they never come out completely round.  Sometimes they look oval, square, or like the state of Texas, but they always taste delicious!! 

     Today my mom came over to teach my daughters the art of making tortillas.  The ingredients are simple; flour, shortening, baking powder, salt and warm water.  We don't measure anything, somehow you just know how much to put in.  We rolled out the balls using water bottles for rolling pins.  We managed to get flour everywhere, but we had a blast.  I know store-bought tortillas are cheap, but they cannot hold a candle to the taste of homemade.  (Sorry Dan, they are all gone already, so no tacos on Saturday.  We'll make a big batch next time.) 

¡Gracias mamá! Aprecio cuando enseñas a mí ya mis hijas acerca de nuestra herencia. Era agradable pensar en la abuela y nuestra familia. La próxima vez vamos a hacer tamales y bailar al ritmo de Ricky Martin!
Grandma mixing the dough

forming the tortilla balls, back in the day she could do this step so fast!

rolling the tortillas flat

Watch for the bubbles

I can just smell this!

When we were kids we'd rub a stick of butter over the top when it came right off the skillet, YUMMY!

So good!!

1 comment:

  1. Love it and love em(the tortillas) now you need to teach Nikki
