Thursday, September 20, 2012

Be Still

     This is the "good week", or the "happy week" before we face the demons again next Wednesday.   Mark feels a little better, the kids thier silly selves, and I can breathe a little deeper.  Funny thing is I still can tear up at a moment's notice.  So much happy/sad energy around me all of the time.

     In preparation for the Fun Run this Saturday, I've been talking with my friends about how it's going.  I'm amazed at what I am hearing.  The support for us is overwhelming.  Love is truly a powerful force.  The love energy that is showering over us is tangible.  Saying "Thank you" is not enough.   I need you to know that your love, prayers, service, donations, positive thoughts, all of it, is healing us.  People ask me how we can do this, well, that is one of the BIG reasons.  I've never felt this much of this healing love energy before in my life.  What a precious gift!

     In tomorrow's newspaper (Herald Journal) there will be an article about our family.  Our home health nurse, Melisa, was here drawing blood for labs and they snapped a picture of  her, Mark and myself.  While I hate my picture, because I've never weighed this much in my life (a post for another time about how stress is my biggest enemy, and that is one area I'm completely failing in my life right now), I'm grateful for the opportunity to tell our story in that medium.  Our reporter began with general questions, but once she got Mark into a rhythm, it turned into something I don't think she was expecting.  At one point our nurse was in tears telling the reporter how amazing we are, and how she sees families in a similar situation who are not able to see any good in it.  All of us were in tears at one point.  It was a beautiful interview, a testimony of Mark's faith, lack of fear, and determination to fulfill his earthly mission in any way or time frame that the Lord asks.  I don't know how the reporter will put this all together, but I know it was important to Mark and I to express our gratitude, to acknowledge the support and love of so many, to be hopeful about our time together, however long it may be.

     Hope is a fleeting thing.  We don't get it once and then it's ours.  We have to discover it again and again.  I love the scripture, "Be still and know that I am God."  It is particularly special to me at this trial in our lives.  It doesn't say to just "hope" or "believe" it says to "know" which is a lasting thing.  I know.  Mark knows.  So, we do our best, and then be still.  And even that makes me tear up!


  1. Ah hope, faith and love are 3 things you are not lacking my friend. I love you and Mark.

  2. Beautifully said~as always. Read D & C 68:5,6. it has gotten me through the hardest things in my life. I'm putting yours on my favorite scripture list also. I love you. We'll be thinking of you tomorrow and always.

  3. Thank you, LaDena. That is beautiful!
