Friday, September 7, 2012

City of Angels

     Days 2 and 3 have been a little better.  Besides Mark's nausea, fatigue and everyday pain, he gets these terrible hiccups.  These are not the cute, mild ones that go away after a few minutes.  These are strong and last for a very long time.  He meditates through them. 
We got a huge surprise today when our friends Keith and Brenda came to visit!  I wasn't here when they were, but they had a wonderful visit with Mark and left us a thoughtful present; lotion, chocolate, slippers and Soduku book. Thank you! Mark had a wonderful talk with them about his conversion to the gospel.  Many tender moments were shared. We love you guys!!!!
Tonight is super-quiet in the hospital.  After watching the big football game on TV (Go Aggies!!) then we watched one of our all-time favorite movies, "City of Angels".  It had been awhile since we'd seen it, and the movie was better than we remembered.  We loved so many parts of the story.  Mark loved the main angel and the former angel contrasted as the whole person and the holy person.  Duality in life, everything is both perfect and flawed.  I loved the line, "you don't have to believe in something for it to be true." 

At the end of the movie the angel-friend asks, "If you knew this was going to happen, would you have become human?"  The answer; "I would rather have one breath of her hair, one kiss of her lips, one touch of her hand, than forever without it."

"I'd give up forever to touch you..."  this is the first line of the song "Iris" by the Goo Goo Dolls and has long been a song that reminds me of Mark.  Mark is passionate about; life, deepening relationships, having new experiences and gaining deeper understanding.  This is a beautiful song:


1 comment:

  1. I love this movie also. I am glad Mark is doing a little better. Hope all is well. Do you know when you will be back?
