Sunday, September 23, 2012

Wow! What a weekend!

     On Friday after work and school, I took my girls and thier friends to the Thomas Edison Fall Festival.  It is a lot of fun, but after a short while, it's overstimulating.  A zillion grade-school aged children with little booth games, bounce houses, face painting, pizza and way too much sugar = noise overload!  The kids had a blast.  Here are Ava, Amari and I on the hayride.
      Mark (my brother) and Dawn drove up from Bountiful for the weekend, and met at our place.  We left the kids and my Mark at home, and met up with friends.  This weekend is mine and Dawn's 25th high school reunion.  There were four different events, and the "Starter Party" was held at the patio at the Owl.  We had a great time!
      On Saturday morning, we met at Mountain Crest High School for a Fun Run Fundraiser (FOR OUR FAMILY!!!!)  There were 42 runners total, and over a dozen buisness sponsors.  We enjoyed talking with and hugging so many family and friends who came out to support us.  Here are Mark and I just before the race began.
      There was such an outpouring of love there.  Generous people, giving time, gifts, support, joy and love!!!  There was one dog in the race, several kids on bikes, and even a motorcycle!  It was a GREAT event, THANK YOU to everyone involved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      After the Fun Run, there was a class picnic at Hyrum Park.  We brought spouses, kids and lunch.  We enjoyed telling stories of old times, and sharing updates.  A lot of classmates came from out-of-state, even out-of-country to be here for this weekend.   How cool is that?
      Dinner was held at Castle Manor in Hyde Park.  There must've been around 50 of us there (I really don't know), it would've been tricky to get a group shot.  Here are a couple of the pics I took.  We had a wonderful night!!!  Some people avoid high school reunions for various reasons, I wish everyone would come though.  We have an incredible class!  Some are friends since grade school, some are "new" old friends.  Others have told me that my class is special. 

     My high school class rallied around my family in our time of need, and in a BIG way!  I was not a popular kid in high school.  I was the funky, Duran Duran loving, violin playing, bangs in my eyes, wear black too often, silly girl.  I didn't go to any high school dances except some of the Girl's Choice ones. Even now, I'm surprised when some classmates know my name.   I've made more friendships since high school, than I did then.  I feel so blessed to have this connection now.  There is something healing about making peace with the past, and embracing the present.  Let's face it, high school is a time when we realize we are all infinitely amazing, and infinitely stupid as well, and we try and make it all work out.  We're all survivors really, that is HARD to accept.  MC '87 is an incredible class and I'm lucky to be a member of it!

     On Sunday, we gathered both Martineau families (my brother's and my Dad's), and the Oswalds for a cake and ice cream party for our little Amari Shinehah who turned four.  How is this possible that my youngest is four?  She is a little princess, and has the sweetest disposition.  She misses me when I leave for work or go to the Huntsman.  She is still small enough to cuddle with me to read stories at bedtime and fall asleep in my arms.  I love it.  Happy Birthday to Ari!!!!


  1. What beautiful weekend. I'm so happy you know you're loved! I wish we could have been there. Juat for the record, you were one of my all time favorites in high school. And we all looked great in black. I love you dearly and was with you in heart and spirit <3

    1. Love you Paisley! I had a great time with you, Charity and Kim in high school. We laughed a LOT! I love you dearly too, my friend :)
